Wisconsin Senate plans to vote on overriding Evers veto of PFAS funding, other bills

entertainment2024-06-03 22:38:04568

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Republicans said Monday that the state Senate would vote to override up to 36 of the governor’s vetoes, including a bill to fight PFAS pollution — moves that Democrats derided as desperate election year stunts.

At the same time, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers countersued the Republican-controlled Legislature in a fight over the spending of $50 million on a new literacy program.

Both moves come six months before the election and are just the latest examples of political jousting between Evers and the Legislature. Both are trying to use the stalemate over PFAS funding and other issues to their advantage in the November election as Democrats hope to pick up seats in the Legislature under the state’s new legislative boundary maps.

Three dozen bills are scheduled for potential veto override attempts on Tuesday, but Republicans highlighted only five they definitely planned to take up. All are likely to fail. Any override would also need to be approved in the Assembly, but Republicans don’t have enough votes there to do it.

Address of this article:http://uruguay.lochsaege.com/news-0e499526.html


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